The Sanctuary

Location:Des Moines, Iowa
Status:Graduate Student Work, 2024
Course: ARCH 506
Supervisor: Andrew Gleeson

Droukas Court stands as a beacon of hope and resilience amidst the
ever-shifting tides of climate change. It is a contemporary California
bungalow-style estate, meticulously designed to provide sanctuary
for climate refugees. This design not only offers shelter but fosters
community and empowerment, setting a benchmark for future refugee
housing initiatives worldwide.

At its core, this estate is more than just a collection of buildings; it’s
a testament to human compassion and innovation. The community
center serves as the initial refuge for displaced individuals and families,
offering a haven where they can find solace,community support,
and essential resources as they transition to their new lives. Here,
bonds are forged, stories are shared, and a sense of belonging begins
to take root.